The small village of Ronsenac is ideally situated for trips to popular parts of south-west France which include the Dordogne, the Pyrenees, places such as Riberac, Brantome, Chalais, Auberterre, Cognac and Oradour.
More places to visit: Cognac
Cognac is a prosperous town with medieval alleyways that fan out from a delightful riverside. This is the place to find cellars where fine brandy or Cognac is matured.There are many cognac houses to visit including Cognac Otard, Hennessy or Martell which keeps 180,000 barrels in stock. On the tour you will experience the amazing aroma and the world famous walls covered with a fungi that thrives on the alcohol fumes given off during the maturing process. You will also discover the fine art of cognac making and the secret of blending.